HELP ME, HELP ME!!! (do I sound desperate, well then read on)
If you live in, or know someone who lives in Jordan School District please follow my blog for the latest correct information on what is happening in our district. I will be giving daily updates on what we as citizen can do to help take control of our children's educational futures.
Background information:
Two years ago the Utah State Legislature approved the eastside cities of Jordan District to withdraw from the district. This created the new Canyons District and the new Jordan District. The legislature imposed on the westside students an enormous burden of lost revenue. This coming year we will see the biggest impact to date to the new Jordan District.
WE ARE BROKE!!! Thanks a lot Senator Waddoups (my personal fav) oh, and for you proud South Jordaners a big fat super T-H-A-N-K-S to Senator Buttars (what a gem for our state). I might have to go off now that I mentioned him. Where oh where to begin.... I better save it for another day, I want to keep this post G-rated.
So, all you passionate (or not) citizens of Jordan District join with me won't you? (pound your fist and chant)
Wait I didn't hear you with me. Maybe you need more info before you join in my chant.
We need approximately 40 million dollars to keep the schools running at less than they are right now.
There are many proposed ideas on what to do. Cut teacher salaries by 3%, cut school psychologist, counselors, nurses, music programs, on and on and on. Oh and did I mention increase class size by up to 5 students per class.
These are just a few of the millions of dollars in programs and professionals proposed to cut.
What then, you ask, is a gal (or guy) to do?
Well, one option that will minimally impact everyone is.....(drum roll please)
The largest tax increase proposed by the Board of Education (they're the one's who will decide what to do about our poverty-stricken district) will cost approximately $60 per $100,000 of house value. So if your house is worth $200,000 (according to another love of mine the county tax valuation committee) you would pay an extra $120 per YEAR.
SAY WHAT?!?!? you ask. That's it. That's all.
YEP, 10 bucks a month more to edu-ma-freakin-cate your kiddos. What a DaRn bargain.
So, join with me...
Dear Jordan Board of Education,
Because we love you so, please do our kiddos a favor (and my coronary arteries) and let me skip one trip to McDonalds per month and therefore maintain a quality education for my oh so intelligent, genius, talented, children.
There you go! Part 1 of the save our district post.
Please send a link to this blog to anyone you know who lives in Jordan School District and lets see if moms and bloggers around here can make a difference.
Check back tomorrow for more. (oh and maybe even some more about our Senate gems Waddoups & Buttars----was that a punk band in the late 80's?)
PS the board meets tomorrow,they may have already decided on the budget.